WMU offers organizations and approaches as well as ministries that enable every member of the church to learn about missions, become involved in missions, and live a missional lifestyle.
Both IMB and NAMB provide access to missionary speakers for your church.Use the links below to request a speaker.
WMU Executive Director & Consultantcstahlman@mobaptist.orgPhone: 800.736.6227 ext. 320
Preschool Missionsjuliana@carhea.comPhone: 573.659.1758
GA/Children’s Missionsabbiemomof4@hotmail.comPhone: 573.501.1239
RA/Challengerswebbside50@gmail.comPhone: 417.230.6211
Student Mission ConsultantMyMISSION Consultantsarahschmitt777@gmail.comPhone: 636.399.9471
Adult Mission Consultantadoolittlewmu@gmail.comPhone: 573.680.8277